Matt Saia
Matt is the Creative Director at GPC games. Matt’s lifelong love of tactical tabletop gaming made Feud an easy choice as the company’s first original, self-published game. He’s been making games for over 18 years and enjoys every aspect of development. You can find a wealth of info on Matt at www.saiadesign.com along with a host of painted miniatures and maybe even a little behind the scenes info on Feud and what’s next.

Ken Early
Ken is the Lead Programmer on Feud. Ken’s all around coding skills have helped bring Feud to life. Not merely a coder, Ken’s own strategic mind was responsible for influencing many interesting features that make Feud what it is. As a dedicated gamer Ken is always ready to go the distance to make Feud better and cooler.

Jamie Ottilie
Jamie is the CEO of GPC Games. In many companies the CEOs rarely play games and are only concerned with the business side of things. Jamie is and has always been an active gamer. He regularly plays Feud adding ideas and inspiration as often as he can. He’s also responsible for the keeping the lights on, which is a pretty important job.

The H-Team
The H-Team is a shadowy organization that is responsible for the characters and weapons in Feud. They are team of ultra-gifted modelers and texture artists. If you have an art problem, if no one else can help, and if you can find them, maybe you can hire The H-Team.

Robert Casady
Robert is responsible for the music in Feud. With an array of musical skills and a style that leans towards orchestral greats like John Williams, Robert can create a mode and set the tone like a great master. You can find out more about Robert at www.casadymusic.com

David Parker
David is an Animator. He’s been bringing impact to the deaths, flourishes to the characters and breathing life into the inhabitants of Feud. He has a gunslinger’s eye for motion.

Denise Tomlin
Denise is an artist. Denise helped with a lot of the environment work in Feud. However, the true gift she gave the project was the dozens upon dozens of awesome ability icons!

Brian is a UI artist. Brian put together the look of all the UI in Feud. Despite his attempts to keep a secret identity we were determined to reveal the force behind our UI.