Welcome to our journey

Developing Feud marks a dramatic change in how we’ve developed games over the years. As a group we’ve been pushed, prodded and poked by external forces. We allowed others to dictate our future and our terms. The result was a lack of identity and connecting with the very people we want to make games for – you!

With Feud we were determined to have just one thing that we did which was our own and to break away from the cycle which haunts many developers.

We switched it from mobile to PC, decided to go without a publisher and most importantly chose to listen to our hearts and instincts as game players. None of these choices were easy, but each one was worth it.

As a result day by day we’ve watched Feud grow and become more fun, exciting and incredible. It’s been a process of listening and learning. Special Hollywood style gun attacks, the standoffs and showdowns as well as all the crazy hired gun quirks all represent the team coming together and doing amazing things.

Feud granted us the right to finally be able to go with a “gamers first” mantra. Each feature and character has grown naturally from that process and not to meet a “back of the box” scope. Part of that means we’re ready to share Feud with gamers.

Join us on the journey, help us break the cycle of publisher controlled development and we’ll see what we can all build together. Feud is just the beginning. We look forward to seeing what you love about the game, what you don’t and delighting you with the new features we’re developing.

-Matt Saia, Creative Director, GPC Games